Belt Buckle

Grand President's Desk

Steve McLean
State Travels
June 20, I attended the Native Daughters Grand Parlor in Santa Maria. Had a great time! The Hawaiian theme was fun, and the ladies are always so gracious. I was very impressed with their program to recognize California businesses.
Then it was off to Las Positas Parlor #96 in Livermore for their 32nd annual horseshoe throwing contest. Large and friendly turnout considering it was 100 degrees. Little warmer there than Santa Maria.
July started off busy with 4th of July, local parlor meetings and Grand Parlor planning meetings. Unfortunately, I came down with COVID and had to cancel plans for the rest of the month.
September 6 I will be attending the Native Daughters Admission Day Social and Luncheon at the Basque Cultural Center, in South San Francisco.
The date of the Statehood Day BBQ at Rowell Ranch has changed to September 21, because of a conflicting engagement at the Ranch. Due to time constraints in our Constitution, we must hold a Board of Grand Officer meeting prior that date. A meeting room has been reserved at the Holiday Inn on J Street for September 7. I am still working on a meeting room in the State Capital; however, the Capital building remodel in progress has created a bit of a challenge. Let’s all celebrate Statehood Day and great BBQ provided by our brothers at Piedmont Parlor #120 on the 21st!
For anyone wanting to stay Friday night in Sacramento, the Holiday Inn has rooms for $143 to $147 for standard queen and king beds. I will have a hospitality suite open Friday evening and plan to provide some type of lunch following the BOGO meeting. More information to follow.

Lapsation Program
G2nd VP Kris Nelson said it best: the NSGW history is maintaining a healthy membership. The more members we have, the healthier we are both financially and socially. It is unhealthy for the Order when members who are behind on their dues or get suspended from the Order by not paying their dues.
And remember our membership program. If a new or existing brother brings in two new and or reinstated members, they will be rewarded with a Grand President’s belt buckle.
If a new or existing brother brings in a one new or reinstated member, they would receive a Grand President’s Belt Buckle Lapel Pin.
I can reward individual members who have worked for the Order and have gone “above and beyond” in their efforts on behalf of the NSGW in general, and/or their individual home parlor and reward them with a Grand President’s belt buckle.
In addition, I can award a Lapel Pin to brothers who actively participate in their parlor, and/or Grand Parlor events during this term. These are to be presented by the Grand President at parlor or Grand Parlor events in front of the membership at large. These are intended to reward and encourage brothers to get actively involved in our activities and projects.
Lastly, we all have various ideas how to let folks know who we are and increase membership. For example, my granddaughter is in 4H and grandson is in FFA. They love working with their livestock, raising them and showing at the fair. These two organizations build character, responsibility and teamwork. These kids will someday make great Native Sons and Native Daughters. But their parents are the perfect age so I always have a membership card or two handy.

Belt Buckle is Out
Designing my belt buckle was a fun project and was born out of a largely unknown piece a history.

Design of Grand President Steve McLean’s belt buckle represents the bringing together of Northern & Southern California. Hence, the beach with flipflops, mission and Tiki where the theme Tiki started in small shack of a bar in Hollywood in the early 1940s.

Backside reads:
The Center of California
We’ve all driven by it many times. The place where the palm meets the pine. Their symbolism represents the center of the State. The pine tree represents Northern California. The palm tree represents Southern California. The center of the State is actually in North Fork, east of HWY 99 in Madera County. The center of the state that most people will likely view is right along Hwy 99. To be exact, you’ll find it between the north and southbound lanes in the median south of the city of Madera. At 65 MPH don’t blink.
Grand President Steve D. McLean, Excelsior Parlor #31
148th Grand Parlor

Become a Native Son

Imagine joining an organization that lifts your spirit with the joy of giving to others and working/socializing with friends in making a difference in your town, and in California.